
Stop the world, I want to get off!

Today's monumentally stupid headline from the Associated Press: World awaits Paris Hilton's return Let's make one thing perfectly clear: the Paris Hilton phenomenon is one that is ENTIRELY created by the media. It started with a photo being published somewhere of a semi-attractive teenager who was heir to a hotel fortune. From that point on, the media decided that we HAD TO HAVE Paris Hilton news 24/7, and we had to have it at the preposterous level that's hinted at in the headline above, one from a usually-respectable news source. I, and I would argue MOST of the rest of the world, would love nothing more than going back to the pleasant time when Paris meant a city in France, not the most obnoxiously ubiquitous celebrity ever. If anyone ever needs an example of the media deciding what "news" we get to see each and every minute of our lives, remind them: We'll always have Paris.