
Terrorist Kidnappers Upset That Their Hostage Didn’t Thank Them

Even for an Islamic terrorist, this takes some gall:


“We used to give him everything he wanted,” Abu Zobayer… said.

“We spent £70 on his food every week. The Matouk restaurant [one of the best eateries in Gaza] got rich because we had to feed him.”

Johnston has said that he fell ill from the food he was served. Zobayer commented: “It’s not our problem that we gave him everything and he only ate a little.”

Although they did not torture him physically, the kidnappers seemed to have no concept of the psychological torture they were inflicting on the BBC correspondent.

“We had people with him all the time to try to help him to relax,” said Zobayer.

“We gave him a radio so that he could listen to his own channel. I myself sat with him to try to make him feel comfortable and feel that he will be released.”


This may sound horribly cruel, but I sometimes wonder if a more appropriate reaction to all these kidnappings wouldn’t be to just not engage with the enemy at all.  Instead, simply hunt down the terrorists and kill them.  Rescue the hostage if we can, but ultimately leave the kidnappers dead.

It would probably reduce the number of kidnap victims who came back alive, but if the kidnappers themselves got nothing but getting killed for the troubles the number of kidnappings would plummet, you’d think.

Certainly paying the ransom these thugs demand doesn’t do anything but encourage them to kidnap more people.